[Note that net resources are dynamic and always subject to change, so the references listed here may no longer work.]
References to Potentially Useful Information and Resources
On the Internet
Chuck Shotton's explanation of the parameters of the CGI event, including the maximum sizes of the parameters. (included, with permission, in the grantscgi Documentation folder as cgi_params.html)
O'Fallon, John. "Writing CGI Applications in C" in 'MacTech Magazine'. September 1995. pp. 33-42
Levitus, Bob and Jeff Evans. 'WebMaster Macintosh.' AP Professional. ISBN 0-12-445574-3
Hale, Mason. "Scripting the Web with Frontier" in 'MacTech Magazine'. December 1995. pp. 57-64
Further Information About This Framework
World Wide Web home page:
Grant's CGI Discussion, Announcements, and the Source Updates mail lists:
I've set up a mailing list for discussing this framework. It is intended to be a forum for information, ideas, questions and announcements about about writing CGIs (and the CGIs that have been written) using Grant's CGI Framework.
Send a message with the command "subscribe" (without quotes) as the subject to:
There is a list for those who only want the announcements - no discussion. It is mutually-exclusive with the grantcgi list, meaning that you can only subscribe to one of them since all the postings to grantcgi-announce are also made to grantcgi.
Send a message with the command "subscribe" (without quotes) as the subject to:
You can also subscribe to a mailing list which will send you periodic updates to the framework as they are released (both interm and regular releases). All updates are sent as Stuffit attachments (HQX MIME format). The archives are not sent to either of the two other lists.
Send a message with the command "subscribe" (without quotes) as the subject to:
If you want more details on any of the lists, just send the command "help" instead of "subscribe".
[Note: I am not legally responsible for the functioning or usability of any of the programs listed here -- except those programs listed as being written by me, which are subject to specific licensing and limitations which are documented within the documentation included with the distribution packages -- and offer no guarantees or warrantee of any kind for them.]
Count WWWebula
by Gregory S. Combs - grgcombs@mail.utexas.edu
A graphical access counter for WWW pages. Returns a gif of a string of digits, displaying how many users have looked at the page.
"Displays the data received from the HTTP-Server and transforms it into an HTML-page which is returned to the server/client as response. Thus the CGI is a nice tool to check forms, for example."
by InfoDesign Corporation. (programmed by Grant Neufeld)
An application for determining the file and creator types of files and applications. This serves as an example that the framework can be used for more than just CGIs and ListSTAR events - regular applications can be built with it, too.